New app released

I have just released my third app. My second written in Kotlin. I am a complete Kotlin convert. I haven’t found anything yet that it does in a way I think is daft. Unlike many other languages…

I found the switch over very easy, the JetBrains tools are utterly magnificent (copy Java paste as Kotlin – it doesn’t get much cooler than that; Microsoft certainly couldn’t even mange copy VB6 paste, never mind their grown ups language c hash tag.)

I find Kotlin very productive and very direct. I write code to do stuff, not write boiler plate framework peripheral cak that one day will get instantiated and do it all for me…hopefully.

Favourite things so far (apart from automagic copy paste):

  • app level function modules: awesome for stateless function library stuff
  • objects (not classes). like a static class in OO
  • strings like ” blah blah $SomeVariable” instead of concatenation
  • passing functions as parameters

Of course there are others but these spring to mind as big friction reducers. I would have put ‘by lazy’ down but I’m unconvinced on that one, having wasted a good few hours tracing some bizzaro update errors. Needs more investigation

I am finally looking forward to developing cool apps away from the tyranny of Object Obsession.

I have my sights on some extensions to to rid me of the findviewbyid nonsense too. Then we really will be back in the 1990’s, at Vb5 functionality. (Plus proper objects on the off chance one ever needs them.)